F-IQ and Toni Milun Conference
Croatian most famous financial blogger and math teacher Toni Milun is organizing several public conferences on personal finances. These conferences will be held in four cities: Zagreb, Osijek, Split and Rijeka during the September 2023. Gaurus is proud to be a conference sponsor and actively participate in raising the level of financial literacy in the society.
F-IQ – mobile app for managing personal finances is our flagship product in fintech world. This free of charge app is aimed to help individuals to better understand their own financial situation and to enable them to make better financial decisions. On the broather scale, the goal of our ongoing F-IQ project is to deliver a suite of simple, yet powerful financial tools for both individuals and companies who seek to improve it's financial status and automate business processes. During the Toni Milun's conferences we will use the opportunity to present some of our products and ideas and discuss with other entrepreneures about the present and future of finance.
We are looking forward to meet anyone interested in chatting about IT, security, finance and other topics during the Zagreb and Rijeka show. Unfortunately, we will not be able to be live present in Osijek and Split, but we promise to come back next year and cover all cities. Our goal for next 12 months is to raise the level of our F-IQ solutions. This year we will present what we achieved so far, and for next year we will prepare the next move and new, advanced financial services.
Više o F-IQ projektu: f-iq.app